Paul Mather


  • ✅  Overcame lack of focus and niche
  • ✅  Achieved first revenue within 3 months
  • ✅  Secured 500 sign-ups and 200 active users


  • ✅  Overcame lack of focus and niche
  • ✅  Achieved first revenue < 3 months
  • ✅  Secured sign-ups and active users
Rapid Growth and Tangible Outcomes
Within a few months of working with us, ufound achieved significant milestones
Generated their first
$1,000 in revenue
500 sign-ups
200 active users
Rapid Growth and Tangible Outcomes
Within a few months of working with us, ufound achieved significant milestones
Generated their first
$1,000 in revenue
500 sign-ups
200 active users

Paul Mather

Before working with Founder15, Yoav and Eyal were struggling to find their niche and focus:
"We were kind of all over the place. So finding our niche and focusing, I think, was the big thing. In those early stages, we were doing any random old idea that came to mind."

Finding Focus in a Sea of Ideas

Finding Focus in a Sea of Ideas

Before working with Founder15, Yoav and Eyal were struggling to find their niche and focus:
"We were kind of all over the place. So finding our niche and focusing, I think, was the big thing. In those early stages, we were doing any random old idea that came to mind."

Structured Guidance and Accountability

They received a structured roadmap with weekly tasks and accountability meetings. .
Our approach included:
Weekly one-to-one  meetings for accountability
Guidance on finding their "why" and passion
Emphasis on taking action and fast idea validation
Focus on securing paying customers early in the process

Structured Guidance and Accountability

They received a structured roadmap with weekly tasks and accountability meetings. .
Our approach included:
Weekly one-to-one  meetings for accountability
Guidance on finding their "why" and passion
Emphasis on taking action and fast idea validation
Focus on securing paying customers early in the process

Paul Mather

From Ideas to Action: Key Strategies

Our interventions were crucial in helping Yoav and Eyal move forward:
  • ✅  Introduced the concept of "sell before you build" to validate ideas quickly
  • ✅  Encouraged direct outreach to potential clients, even without a finished product
  • ✅  Helped the founders identify their strengths and passions to find the right business idea

From Ideas to Action: Key Strategies

Our interventions were crucial in helping Yoav and Eyal move forward:
  • ✅  Introduced the concept of "sell before you build" to validate ideas quickly
  • ✅  Encouraged direct outreach to potential clients, even without a finished product
  • ✅  Helped the founders identify their strengths and passions to find the right business idea

"You really drilled in those simple
lessons that will really
stick with us for forever."

Paul Mather

Ready to Accelerate Your Startup Journey?

Founder15 offers tailored guidance and accountability to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve rapid growth.
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Ready to Accelerate Your Startup Journey?

Founder15 offers tailored guidance and accountability to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve rapid growth.
Explore our Services